Saturday, March 22, 2014

Bridal Car

We were both decided that we will get Studebaker for our bridal car. When we inquired with Don Roberts Bridal Car, it is no longer available so we researched for other car rentals offering vintage cars. We noticed that all of them are not available on December 6. NiƱo said that maybe there is only one  Studebaker...that the rental for this vintage car comes from one seller only. 

Our next option is the Cadillac but its beyond our budget so we look for other vintage models. We noticed that the Benz 1946 is also a nice one. We inquired to JCA Bridal Cars and ask if it is still available. Luckily it is and the price is 9,000 less 500 discount.

We found out with Ms. Tess, our contact person in JCA that they are the direct rental of vintage bridal cars. She told us that the Studebaker is only one in the wedding industry including other vintage cars like Cadillac. Those cars comes directly from them. Don Roberts is one of their seller. 

Here are the photos of our Bridal Car:
Photo grabbed from Facebook page

Photo grabbed from Facebook page

Photo grabbed from Facebook page

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