Saturday, December 7, 2013

Prenup Location Ocular - Las Casas de Acuzar

It's our 7th year anniversary last December 6, 2013. We decided to go to Bataan since we haven't been there and also to check one of the famous prenup location.. The Las Casas de Acuzar!

Though we doesn't want to go of town for our prenup, (because we don't want to pay additional for the out of town fee for our photographer and HMUA.... as NiƱo keeps on saying " Ma'am additional po yan Ma'am".) we still want to take a glimpse of this place.

Take a look at our beautiful photos below:

This is inside the Spanish Restaurant

Pose like we're shooting already our prenup..hehehe

That's my sister, shooting like a photographer with a very huge antique and elegant house as her background.. ^-^

How I wish we could do our prenuptial shoot here....Anyway, our photos naman looks like our prenup photos narin... ^-^


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